Members of the jury

The members of the Jury of the 17th Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Competition are:

Małgorzata Walewska - singer - mezzo-soprano, hosting as Chairman  
Helena Łazarska - the Honor Chairman of the Jury
Samantha Farber - Managing Director of the Sono Artists Agency in Vienna
Marcin Habela - singer - baritone, Head of Vocal Department of the Geneva University of Music 
Constanze Könemann - Director of the Hamburg State Opera 
Sebastian Perłowski - conductor, composer
Wojciech Rodek - conductor, Artistic Director of the Grand Theatre in Łódź 
Peter Schreier - singer - tenor, conductor 
Karen Stone - General Manager of the Theater Magdeburg 
Wojciech Maciejowski - singer - tenor, Head of Vocal Department of the Poznań Academy of Music