Composition of the Jury
Composition of the Jury of the 18th International Vocal Art Competition Ada Sari presents itself as follows
Małgorzata Walewska – singer - mezzo-soprano, President of the Jury
Josef Fuchs - Casting Director of the Nederlandse Reisopera
Ioan Holender - Artistic Advisor of the Spring Festival in Tokyo
Franziska Hunke - Managing Director of „Artista International” in München
Ryszard Karczykowski - the singer and teacher of singing
Izabela Kłosińska - Casting Director of the Grand Theatre-National Opera in Warsaw
Constanze Könemann - owner of the Artistic Agency CANTO+
Katarzyna Oleś-Blacha - singer - soprano, teacher of singing at the Academy of Music in Kraków
Wojciech Maciejowski - singer - tenor, teacher of singing, The Secretary of the Jury